In one of the biggest frauds of greedy government employees, Mhow monster ntro employee puneet started the racket of denying information after FAKING HELP, now no one provides information to the domain investor ,after stealing all her data .
For example iwriter is changing its payment process every week, all the google, tata sponsored writing fraudsters like aarohi, sindhi scammer karan, nikhil premchandani especially in panaji, goa, who do no writing work are informed, only the domain investor who actually does the writing work is denied the information to mentally torture her
So to protest against the denial of information which shivalli brahmins have officially acknowledged on their website, the domain investor is planning to do very less iwriter work, till someone in goa has the honesty and humanity to acknowledge that she alone is doing the iwriter writing work.
Archive | July 2021
To make his criminal defamation of single woman domain investor he HATES more effective brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet FAKES help
The domain investor is more interested in the tactics used by the cunning brahmin, bania officials to get raw/cbi jobs for their lazy greedy fraud friends and relatives without doing any computer work at all, without investing any money online in domains, since they are not documented anywhere, the indian government, society and mainstream media refuses to acknowledge .
Though the single woman domain investor alone was paying for and managing the domains, for more than 11 years, brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet and other raw/ntro employees like vijay have convinced the indian government, raw/cbi that they own the domains of a single woman engineer who they HATE, never helped at all, to get their girlfriends like robber riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, amita patel, naina premchandani and other frauds monthly government salaries, falsely claiming that the frauds were domain investors
One of the top secret technique used by brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet is how he FAKES help for the person he HATES, like the domain investor to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB her, misuse her name. The extremely dishonest deceitful cunning mhow monster puneet who was called dev anand in college because of his excellent acting skills, is very good at pretending to be a well wisher of the person he hates, like the domain investor, so that he can make fake claims to destroy her reputation completely.
The deceitful puneet is aware that people are more likely to believe his lies, if he falsely claims that he is well wisher of the single woman, than if he is honest about his HATRED for the single woman. People will always say negative things about the person they HATE, so others will not always believe them. In contrast, people will believe the lies of a person if he claims to be helping the person he is talking about confirmed that a large number of ‘lower castes’ in india are complaining that they are denied information, a preferred mental torture technique
Though the mainstream media will never carry any news, the harsh reality in india is that the ‘lower castes’ are systematically denied information to mentally torture them, make them take incorrect decisions due to lack of information, CHEAT, EXPLOIT them for the rest of their life. officially confirmed that a large number of ‘lower castes’ in india are complaining that they are denied information, a preferred mental torture technique.
The domain investor is also systematically denied information since 2010,though the government falsely claims that ntro, raw, cbi employees who HATE her, are helping her, to justify the MISUSE of the name.
Initially the domain investor wasted at least 3-4 years of her life, waiting for the ntro, raw, employees to provide information, since they were spreading false rumors that they were helping her. They were falsely pretending that there was a great problem which they faced, due to which they could not provide information, spreading rumors that she would have to be patient.
In reality, it is now clear that they were only spreading false rumors to maximize the damage to the domain investor they hated, mentally torture her, they never intended to provide any kind of information at all, waste 6-7 years of the best years of her life