Indian rupee crashes due to government policy of criminally defaming, questioning mental health of real exporters

The indian rupee has been falling against the us dollar, and one of the reasons is the government policy of criminally defaming questioning mental health of real exporters especially online exporters since 2010 to ruin their reputation, deny them the income and opportunities these exporters, online investors deserved

Since 2010, in a massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket, allegedly masterminded by the top tech, internet companies, cunning cheater LIAR top government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay allegedly led by the brahmin fraud puneet, originally from mhow mp, all the computers, devices of the online exporter, investor, worker are hacked to rob data
Then these liar cheater top government employees are then misusing the robbed data and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy girlfriends and associates, who are call girls, cheater housewives, and other frauds who do not spend time doing computer work, do not pay expenses, are the online experts, domain investors to get their greedy girlfriends and associates, great powers, lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector.
To cover up the massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket, the government agencies, tech and internet sector has spreading fake mental health rumors to defame the hardworking online worker, exporter, investor whose data the banking fraudster government employees are robbing to make fake claims
Though the government online, financial fraud, slavery racket on the real online investor with export/deemed export income can be easily proved, the indian government agencies refuse to end their criminal defamation of the real exporter who is denied a life of dignity, and is subjected to multiple crimes like burglary, robbery due to government online, financial fraud, slavery.

The government agencies are fully aware that their lazy greedy cheater employees do not have any online income, yet the government agencies continue their online, financial fraud, while refusing to acknowledge the real exporter, who is making great losses due to government online financial fraud. This government policy of falsely claiming that cheater housewives only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband and other frauds without any online income are online experts, may be one of the reasons for the fall in the indian rupee to an all time low against the usd.