Indian rupee crashes due to government policy of criminally defaming, questioning mental health of real exporters

The indian rupee has been falling against the us dollar, and one of the reasons is the government policy of criminally defaming questioning mental health of real exporters especially online exporters since 2010 to ruin their reputation, deny them the income and opportunities these exporters, online investors deserved

Since 2010, in a massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket, allegedly masterminded by the top tech, internet companies, cunning cheater LIAR top government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay allegedly led by the brahmin fraud puneet, originally from mhow mp, all the computers, devices of the online exporter, investor, worker are hacked to rob data
Then these liar cheater top government employees are then misusing the robbed data and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy girlfriends and associates, who are call girls, cheater housewives, and other frauds who do not spend time doing computer work, do not pay expenses, are the online experts, domain investors to get their greedy girlfriends and associates, great powers, lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector.
To cover up the massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket, the government agencies, tech and internet sector has spreading fake mental health rumors to defame the hardworking online worker, exporter, investor whose data the banking fraudster government employees are robbing to make fake claims
Though the government online, financial fraud, slavery racket on the real online investor with export/deemed export income can be easily proved, the indian government agencies refuse to end their criminal defamation of the real exporter who is denied a life of dignity, and is subjected to multiple crimes like burglary, robbery due to government online, financial fraud, slavery.

The government agencies are fully aware that their lazy greedy cheater employees do not have any online income, yet the government agencies continue their online, financial fraud, while refusing to acknowledge the real exporter, who is making great losses due to government online financial fraud. This government policy of falsely claiming that cheater housewives only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband and other frauds without any online income are online experts, may be one of the reasons for the fall in the indian rupee to an all time low against the usd.

Lazy greedy young frauds being falsely promoted only so that the mental health of online investors, workers can be questioned

One of the greatest online, financial frauds, slavery rackets in the indian internet sector, is how the liar tech, internet companies, cunning cheater LIAR top government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay allegedly led by the brahmin fraud puneet, originally from mhow mp are falsely claiming that various lazy greedy young frauds, who do not spend any time and money, are doing all the computer, mobile work, when actually the young frauds are only robbing the data of the real online worker, investor to make fake claims and get great powers, monthly government salaries in some cases,
One of the main reasons for falsely promoting the dishonest liar young frauds like goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan, gujju cheater amita patel, haryana fraud ruchika kinge, siddhi mandrekar who do not do any computer work, so that it is easier for the liar top tech, internet companies, government employees to convince people that the hardworking online investor, worker whose data they are robbing is having mental health problems.

If the cheater internet companies are honest that the online investor is doing all the work and getting paid, she will be just like another worker or professional who is paid for their work.
So since 2010, the cheater top tech, internet companies are spreading fake rumors that various cheater housewives, haryana fraud mba, gujju stock trader, and other young frauds who do not spend any time and money, are doing all the computer/mobile work while the hardworking online investor is a lazy idle person without any online income, having mental health problems, to ruin her reputation and deny her the income and opportunities she deserved

When all other industry sectors will acknowledge the work which older workers do spending their time and money, why is the indian tech, internet sector, so ruthless in its fraud on older online investors, workers, refusing to acknowledge the time and money they alone spend, and falsely give lazy greedy young frauds credit, monthly government salary for only making fake claims using robbed data.

To continue CHEATING hardworking single woman engineer of Rs 15 lakh annually, CUNNING FRAUD LIAR madhya pradesh officials/leaders making fake mental health allegations

madhya pradesh has continued its massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY on online investor for 14 years since 2010
madhya pradesh is advertising in times of india trying to attract investors in the state, yet investors worldwide should be aware that madhya pradesh like goa, haryana is extremely ruthless in its massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY of investors to get lazy greedy cheater housewives from the state,lucrative government/intelligence jobs in the internet sector FAKING domain ownership online income since 2010.
The fraud liar indore/madhya pradesh leaders/officials were aware that indore’s top cheater housewife deepika/veena was not interested in doing any computer work, not interested in taking the risk of investing money in domains

Yet showing how the indore, goan, haryana leaders/officials are the top online, financial fraudsters they are criminally defaming hardworking online workers, investors, especially migrants from north karnataka, hysterically making fake allegations of security threat, cheating, mental health to rob their resume, data, make fake claims about the lazy greedy cheater indore fraud housewife deepika/veena to get her great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online worker, investor in a major ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD.

the liar top indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, are aware that their favorite fraud indore housewife bespectacled deepika/veena is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, yet being top supporters of ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, these cheater companies have rewarded their favorite ONLINE, BANKING FRAUDSTER deepika/veena with great powers, monthly government salary since 2010
though the banking, financial fraud of indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena can be legally proved using her income tax returns, the CHEATER LIAR madhya pradesh government refuses to end its ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, instead questioning the mental health of the single woman engineer who the CHEATER LIAR FRAUD madhya pradesh/indore officials/leaders have CHEATED of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2010

Government agencies, politicians are extremely vicious in spreading fake mental health rumors to defame writers whose data goan bhandari cheater tejas, other frauds rob

panaji goan bhandari CHEATER LIAR tejas, another shameless greedy goan fraud FAKING writing work to get government salary
In goa the SHAMELESS GREEDY goan bhandaris, gsbs, sindhis are openly involved in a massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket since 2010, criminally defaming hardworking migrants from north karnataka, robbing their data to get lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the fraud ridden indian internet sector with the help of the shameless shivalli brahmins from udupi who have also got a government job for their lazy greedy fraud relative nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee nayanshree,greedy gujjus promoting fraud amita patel,indoris rewarding bespectacled cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena
In addition to panaji goan bhandari CHEATER sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, another lazy greedy goan bhandari FRAUD FAKING writing work is the SHAMELESS LAZY GREEDY panaji goan bhandari CHEATER LIAR tejas, whose equally FRAUD LIAR relatives goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar, naik are powerful officials/leaders in goa and are DUPING companies, countries and people with fake stories about the writing fraudster tejas.
Some indications that goan bhandari CHEATER tejas is a LIAR, FRAUD is that
– bank details show that she has never received any payment for the writing work, which the government falsely claims she does
– she does not have a computer or laptop at home to do the writing work
– she lacks the computer, internet, english writing skills to do the writing work
All states will defend migrants from the state, only hardworking migrants from north karnataka find that there the karnataka officials do not help or defend them when lazy greedy fraudsters like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, greedy goans, sindhis, gujjus, indoris, haryana frauds like gurugram cheater ruchika kinge, rob their data to fake writing work, and get monthly government salaries at the expense of the real writer, in a case of SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD.
The tech, internet companies, government agencies, politicians are extremely vicious in questioning the mental health of the real writers who are victims of government SLAVERY, writing fraud , whose data is robbed to make fake claims about lazy greedy goan cheaters like goan bhandari tejas who got a government job faking writing work

To continue with their lucrative FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket, raw/cbi employees spread FAKE mental health rumors

In all sectors, workers are paid for the work they do spending their time. Only in the indian internet sector, LIAR top indian government employees abuse their powers to run massive ONLINE SLAVERY racket since 2010 and supported by the LIAR top tech and internet companies.
The LIAR top indian government employees allegedly led by puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, tushar parekh, hated their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay , a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka, so they are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her, ROBBING all her data, and then falsely claiming that their lazy greedy girlfrends and associates like panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani,her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, siddhi mandrekar, haryana cheater mba ruchita kinge, indore cheater deepika/veena and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi who do not spend time, are doing all the work, to pay all the frauds monthly government salary, give them great powers at the expense of their btech classmate in a clear case of SLAVERY.
Income tax returns filed in the last 14 years clearly show that the raw/cbi employees do not have any online income, do not pay expenses, yet showing widespread government financial fraud, raw/cbi refuse to correct their records, make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees and criminally defame the online worker, investor whose data the raw/cbi employees are ROBBING.
When the domain investor who is victim of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD for more than 14 years complains, the banking, domain fraudster raw/cbi employees are questioning her mental health, so that they continue with their very lucrative ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD without being questioned

To cover up their massive ONLINE,FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY, CHEATER, LIAR raw/cbi employees hysterically spread fake mental health rumors

One of the greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUDS, SLAVERY racket in the indian internet sector which can be legally proved checking the income tax returns is how at least 10-15 lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees are getting monthly government salaries, great powers for FAKING domain ownership, online income robbing the data of online investor, workers who they HATE, criminally defame since 2010.
The domain investor, single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka, owning this and other websites, domains was initially criminally defamed by the cheater indoris rewarding cheater housewife deepika/veena, questioning her mental health to cover up their BANKING FRAUD, SLAVERY, and other cheater states, especially goa, haryana, gujarat are extremely aggressive in spreading fake rumors to cover up the massive financial fraud of cheaters like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan,gujju FRAUD stock trader amita patel, haryana fraud mba ruchika kinge who do not want to open their own paypal, bank account legally, pay domain other expenses, spend their time doing computer work.
Instead in a slavery racket since 2010, LIAR CHEATER officials/leaders from at least 5 different states have been criminally defaming the hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor,spreading completely FAKE rumors about her mental health, so that they can ROB her data and make fake claims about lazy greedy cheater housewives and other frauds who are not interested in doing any computer work at all, spending their time, yet are getting monthly indian government salaries only for making FAKE CLAIMS using robbed data

To cover up her massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, cunning CHEATER indore housewife raw employee deepika/veena hysterically was making FAKE mental health allegations

In an indication of how the indian government/intelligence agencies are easily manipulated to cover up her massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010, cunning CHEATER indore housewife raw employee deepika/veena like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel hysterically was making FAKE mental health allegations against her relative, a hardworking single woman engineer so that she could fake bank account account, credit card and domain ownership to get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman
Instead of admitting their employees are frauds and liars making fake allegations without any proof to commit financial fraud of faking domain ownership, when they do not want to pay for domains, raw/cbi continue harassing, torture the single woman and dupe contries, companies and people with fake stories about their lazy greedy fraud employees
It is an indication of the incompetence of government agencies that they refuse to admit that indore housewife raw employee deepika/veena like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel are making fake allegations only because they do not want to purchase the domains, pay domain renewal fees, yet want credit and monthly government salary only make fake mental health allegations against a normal single woman engineer who does not have anyone to help or defend herself against frauds like
cunning CHEATER indore housewife raw employee deepika/veena

To cover up massive financial fraud for 14 years, fake mental health rumors spread

Top indian tech and internet companies are extremely vicious and ruthless in their financial fraud on small online business owners, investors, criminally defaming them and then falsely claiming housewives, goan girls and other frauds who do not pay expenses own the business to get them lucrative government jobs in the indian tech, internet sector at the expense of the investor.
In one of most audacious financial fraud, though top indore cheater housewife bespectacled raw employee deepika does not have a credit card, cannot make any online payment, for more than 14 years, government agencies, top tech and internet companies are making fake claims about their favorite indore fraud using stolen data of a single woman engineer, to get indore cheater housewife bespectacled raw employee deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman
To cover up the massive financial fraud of refusing to purchase the domains or pay expenses, the indore cheater housewife bespectacled raw employee deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees have been extremely vicious in spread fake mental health rumors for ruining the reputation of the domain investor.
Due to the lack of honesty and humanity of the internet companies, they refuse to question their favorite fraud indore cheater housewife bespectacled raw employee deepika and others why they do not legally purchase the domains, instead criminally defame the hardworking single woman engineer for more than 14 years.

To cover up massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY, liar madhya pradesh government hysterically spreading fake mental health rumors

One of the reasons why startup funding in india is reducing is because top tech, internet companies, government agencies are openly massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY on online businesses refusing to question the GREEDY LIAR madhya pradesh government and 4 other cheater state governments -haryana, goa, gujarat, karnataka on their FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY on a small online business to get no work, no investment government jobs for goan call girls, cheater housewives like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, indore cheater deepika/veena greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, haryana fraud ruchita kinge, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil,and other lazy greedy frauds

Managing websites, domains, writing content, and other work takes time, and the madhya pradesh government is aware that indore top cheater raw employee housewife deepika/veena is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband like other married raw/cbi employees to run a perfect home, she is not doing any kind of computer work at all. Yet showing the dishonesty of indore officials/leaders they are openly involved in cybercrime on a hardworking single woman engineer , online worker, investor, to rob her data and make fake claims about indore’s top cheater housewife deepika/veena in a case of government SLAVERY.

In all business sectors, there are older ugly employees who may not be perfect ,their homes may not be perfect, they do not drive cars, yet the business will pay the worker for the work they do spending their time. Only in the indian internet sector, criminally defaming a hardworking harmless worker, investor, is considered a valid reason for committing FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY refusing to acknowledge the time spent working, and the expenses which the worker, investor alone is paying.
The hardworking harmless worker is not even given the opportunity to defend herself against the complete lies of high status frauds.

Additionally the domains, hosting are not free, the domain investor is paying a large amount monthly using her credit card, and paying the credit card bill alone without any financial help from anyone. Like most housewives, indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena does not have a credit or even debit card, yet showing the extent of the financial fraud on the single woman engineer, the LIAR government agencies, raw/cbi have been falsely claiming that the credit cards of the single woman engineer belong to indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena when the indore cheater deepika/veena has never paid the credit card bills and is not even interested in purchasing the domains like her powerful cheater boyfriends puneet, prakash, and other fraud liar raw/cbi employees especially goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, panaji goan bhandari sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro

So to cover up the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY, the liar madhya pradesh government hysterically spreading fake mental health rumors to criminally defame the single woman engineer, and other states especially goa, haryana, gujarat are also involved in criminal defamation, human rights abuses to cover up the FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY on the harmless single woman engineer since 2010

Since fraud greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel does not want to pay expenses, CUNNING LIAR gujju officials spread fake mental health rumors

One of the top secret techniques used by the rich and powerful communities like the gujjus to get no work no investment government jobs in government agencies like raw is spreading fake mental health rumors about experienced professionals/investors from poorer communities with corrupt leaders/officials like goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar/naik only interested in exploiting bhandari professionals, collecting bribes from gujjus, sindhis and others who rob resumes.

Since fraud greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel does not want to pay domain renewal and other expenses,does not want to do computer work herself or hire anyone, CUNNING LIAR gujju officials spread fake mental health rumors about the real domain investor, a single woman engineer who is paying all the expenses, spending her time doing all the computer work, so that the shameless liar greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees like haryana fraud ruchita kinge, indore cheater deepika/veena, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, goan call girls sunaina, siddhi,sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil can get credit and monthly government salaries for faking domain ownership, bank account, online income.
The indian government refuses to correct its extremely flawed policy of believing in fake mental health rumors to reward liars committing financial fraud with monthly government salary like the thane greedy gujju stock trader amita patel who refuses to purchase this and other domains, yet is getting a monthly government salary only for faking domain ownership due to the fake rumors spread by gujju officials/leaders.